Wednesday 19 December 2012

le cool issue #159


€2 store, I love you, but you're ripping me off.Dealz is €1.49 or less. Halloween's coming up? Sorted. I got luscious hair extensions in blue, pink and red and turned a massive room into a mermaid cave, almost exclusively from here. As for Xmas? In the (shopping) bag. Fairy lights - €1.49. Glam Mrs. Clause washing up gloves - €1.49. Stick on moustaches, inflatable saxophones, DVD's and CD's - all €1.49. Packs of THREE blade disposable razors - €1.49. In the food aisle? ALL the dealzHellmann's mayo, Ocean Spray craisins, Heinz ketchup, Denny and Galtee!NUTELLA. Five Capri Sun for the lunches and twenty socket covers to keep your new born safe. A friend talking with a taxi driver- "I'm not cheap," he told her, "but I'd buy my Nestle coffee there." 

De La Soul 

I found Hip Hop in my youth. I watched Wild Style, acquired some sick Adidas, bought a book on subway graffiti and let the tunes loose from my ghetto blaster (I actually did have an inherited ghetto blaster). De La Soul, BABY, that's the good stuff. The mixes and lyrics - consistently profound. Though only their first album, 3 Feet High and Rising became a massive commercial success, and  every single one of their albums has been critically acclaimed. Cult style. They've sampled 417 songs and, very flatteringly, have been sampled 116 times. Jay wowWW. Also it turns out that, hilariously, they got sued for a sample on 3 Feet... by some chancer 60's band who didn't even write the original song themselves. If no one wants to come with me to this I will literally go just by Me, Myself and I.

Full issue -HERE-

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