Friday, 14 August 2015

Irish Georgian Society

Since February, I have been working at the Irish Georgian Society. A large part of my job is to oversee online content, website and social media. Their website is lovely, designed by Studio Aad.

Because I love Instagram so much, I had to set them up with an IGS Instagram account. Just doing my job. Follow here.

Wide Streets

Wide Streets is a project I trialed in 2012. The idea was to document the people at arts and culture events in Dublin, Ireland. Only one short recording was ever completed. The event was Thread Magazine's Launch No. 4 and I collaborated with the photographer and videographer, Oliver Smith.

WIDE STREETS #1 Thread magazine launch no. 4Welcome everyone.

Posted by Wide Streets on Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Pari Dust interview for The Prowlster

Back in January, I interviewed Pari Ehsan about her fashion-meets-art website, and, consequently, her Instagram feed @Paridust. I only recently realised the piece was published.

The interview was for The Prowlster, read it HERE.