A Proposed Exhibition For The Irish House, Wood Quay
You going to the Proposal exhibition? It is, quite humorously, not an exhibition but, as I've said, a proposal for an exhibition to be held in the legendary Irish House pub. Which you may not be familiar with as it no longer exists. Although some of you might be familiar with it for its historic social importance or from a scene from JoeStrick's 1965 Ulysses adaption. It's elaboratestuccoed facade could easily rival the Bernard Shaw and, in fact, trump it with blatant nationalist symbolism. I suppose I should say the building no longer exists as a whole because the plaster figures from it's front were preserved (by Guinness) and now (owned by Diageo) are shown here and there - for example in the Civic Tristbuilding where they create a comfortable backdrop for work created as a proposed exhibition within the walls they used to coat.
Issue *155 -HERE-